This guest blog post is by Dr Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). In this post, Maren shares insights from the recent Week of VocTech, organised by Ufi – the VocTech Trust, and a special episode of the VocTech Podcast focused on the Future of FE. Looking ahead to the #VocTeach20 Symposium on 17th December, Maren shares her thoughts on the challenges ahead and how we can meet them.
Week of VocTech was an online celebration of VocTech and its impact on vocational training & learning in a free programme of online events. As part of the event, I took part in a special episode of the VocTech Podcast on ‘What’s next for VocTech and FE?’. In this episode of the VocTech Podcast, with fellow guests Shane Guildford, Eglė Vinauskaitė and Chantal Wilson, we discussed the near and long-term future for vocational technology and further education. We explored questions such as how can the crisis be a pivot point for lifelong learning? What practical examples are there for how industry and FE are using technology now to set them up for a changed world of employment and skills development?
For me, the AmplifyFE Community of Practice is pivotal to helping the sector meet these challenges.
AmplifyFE is a new network to connect and amplify communities of practice for digital learning, teaching and assessment in vocational education https://amplifyfe.alt.ac.uk/ , led by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and funded by Ufi – the VocTech Trust.
Get involved
If you are looking to network with like-minded professionals, share news about your work, find experts to collaborate with or learn more about specific subject areas, then the AmplifyFE network can help.
- Tag your posts #amplifyFE on social media, and we will help you spread the word.
- Sign up to our mailing list to keep informed and get involved.
- Visit our website to learn more about how to get started, find the right networks for you and join in the right conversations with our guide to hashtags.
I am looking forward to sharing more about this new network and how it can help educators in FE at the forthcoming #VocTeach20 Symposium on 17th December 2020.